Dr. Manuela Terlinden L.Ac.
Most people are aware that acupuncture is a valid medical intervention to decrease acute and chronic pain conditions. These complaints are the most likely reason patients will see an acupuncturist. Indeed, acupuncture treats musculoskeletal problems, joint injuries including ligaments and tendons, releases muscle tension and improves athletic performance. Regular treatments decrease chronic pain levels so that patients don’t have to be on strong pain medications.
Sprains, tendonitis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, Achilles tendon problems, any dysfunction of the spine, arthritic conditions, acute or chronic low back pain, neck and shoulder pain, knee pain, sciatica are all conditions acupuncture can treat.
Chemotherapy for cancer, autoimmune diseases or digestive disorders can cause pain conditions as well. Acupuncture is a good choice as adjuvant therapy to decrease pain.
Acupuncture is very successful for gynecological problems of all kind: menstrual cramps, regulation of menses, menopausal symptoms and infertility.