Dr. Manuela Terlinden L.Ac.
Cupping therapy is a method known in many different cultures. Life Balance Acupuncture uses glass cups in which I create a vacuum with the help of a flammable substance and applying them quickly to the skin which is then pulled upward into the cup. The suction opens the pores, increases the blood and Qi flow, breaks up obstructions and creates a pathway for toxins and other waste material to be drawn out. It may cause discoloration of the skin looking like circular dark-red or purple bruises which are not painful and will disappear in a couple days depending on the degree of waste material in the tissues. We recommend that patients don’t expose the affected areas to cold and wind during the first 2 days. It might invite a cold otherwise.
Cupping is very safe and can be used for respiratory disorders such as asthma, colds, bronchitis and musculoskeletal pain conditions.
Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy. We use mugwort which is charred and pressed into a cigar form. We light this cigar and hold it over acupuncture points, move along a channel or other painful body parts. The patient experiences a pleasant heat sensation which penetrates deep into the skin.
Moxibustion strengthens the blood and the flow of Qi, is energizing and tonifying. It warms and expels cold. We use it for many different health problems.
It is an excellent tool to use for children who don’t want to be needled.